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*Really* Hard to Find Parts -

Does anyone stock these thingies?
These are some parts that I haven't been able to find replacements for. They must be for sale somewhere on Earth, but where?

This is a rectifier (?)........

This is found under the gas tank, wired between the engine side junction box and the tail light.
Written on the top is "S3H-02". Any ideas?
It's gotten some grey paint on it. The true color is black.

Bottom view
The fuse; rectifier; circuit breaker again, this time from the bottom.
A post!
Here's a side view of what would seem to be a grounding post. There are two, mounted into the frame under the left cowl, near the of the cowl. Esentially a metal tube with a diode inside.
Same Post, Top View
That bit on the end is supposed to be straight, blame the bend on me.
Same Post Again, Bottom View
This end ends up inside the scoot, with the plate on the outside.
Not Too Hard to Find :)
Here's a whatsit from the right side cowl. A pin fits into it transmitting power to the turn signal. Scooterworks carries them, .00. :))
Mystery Scooter
Found on Ebay, supposedly British from the 1920's