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US Bajaj Club

Welcome to the US Bajaj Club!
The only known (to me) association just for owners of older Bajaj scooters. 

Update! - 10/25/03: I've updated the site's email address on the contacts page, it is now a working address. Still trying to sort out the wiring for my '82...

Update! - 10/26/03: A detailed illustration of the wiring harness available from Scootrs has been added to the Wiring Diagrams page.

Need parts compatability information? A wiring diagram? Need to find a scooter parts supplier who doesn't respond to 'Bajaj' with 'Huh?' ? Well, all that and more (more or less) will fill this charmin' site in the days, months, and ages to come..

A couple of things -
This is meant to be a forum for Bajaj owners to find and contribute information about their bikes that might not be readily available. I've done a lot of looking around, and found nearly nothing about my dear ol' Chetak. So I started this site to make things a bit easier for all of us. Your contributions are welcome!

Guestbook -
If you'd like to post a public message, you can do so in the guestbook.
Need to unload a case of Chetak badges? Here's the place to do it!

Bajaj Autorikshaw Manual!
Bill Elliot has contibuted a 1982 Bajaj Autorikshaw Manual. It's in ZIP format, download it from -

Thanks Bill!

My Bajaj
See the revial of my bike as it happens! Hear my complaints! Bathe in the glow of my tiny victories over scooter adversity! It's in the Photos section..

The counter!

Email Me

U.S. Bajaj Club logo by Travelin' Tom Walls!